Light Emitting Diode Therapy

Light Emitting Diode Therapy and Photodynamic Therapy

Light Emitting Diode (LED) therapies are a group of therapies falling under the broad umbrella term of photobiomodulation. Exposure to different wavelengths of light for a predetermined time frame delivers light energy that modulates tissue behaviour at a cellular level. The science in this field is still evolving and the modality is effective in a range of conditions including acne, scarring, rhytids and even depression!
Here at Main Street Skin Clinic, we combine LED technology with a prescription only photosensitising agent (Aminolevulinic Acid) to the skin, to deliver Photodynamic therapy (PDT).

The procedure involves the application of the photosensitising agent to the face following which the patient is advised to avoid direct sunlight for a variable period of time (the incubation period). The length of time is dependant upon a range of factors including skin type, the condition being treated and the depth of the concern within the skin. Following this the patient is placed under LED lighting for a variable length of time. Post procedurally, patients are advised to avoid the sun, use sunscreen and soothing agents such as Aloe Vera and vitamin E as the epidermal layer of the skin comes off. Perhaps the most effective chemical peel after 1 session, with peeling taking place over a couple of days mostly.

This clinic is one of a handful of centres offering this advanced therapy to patients in Perth and a pre procedure consultation is required to assess suitability.

Pain, redness, swelling, crusting erosions pustules all occur following treatment, as the old epidermal layer of the skin is lifted to reveal a newer, less damaged layer underneath. These effects are all transitory and resolve quickly. Post inflammatory hyperpigmentation may also occur. This may be actively treated but also resolves over months.